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Kevin Roberts Heritage Foundation

Kevin Roberts, New Heritage Foundation President, Makes His Mark

Kevin D. Roberts, PhD, was Named President of The Heritage Foundation in October 2021.

Kevin D. Roberts, PhD, is the president of The Heritage Foundation, a conservative political think tank and its lobbying arm Heritage Action. Since taking over the Heritage Foundation in 2021, Roberts has been making his mark on an institution that came to prominence during the Reagan era.

Roberts Succeeded Former Heritage President Kay C. James.

Roberts succeeded former Heritage President Kay C. James, who led the organization for 12 years. Under James' leadership, Heritage became a leading voice in the conservative movement, advocating for policies such as tax cuts, deregulation, and a strong national defense.

Roberts, a former economics professor at George Mason University, is a leading expert on tax policy and fiscal issues. He is also a strong advocate for free markets and limited government.

Since taking over Heritage, Roberts has launched several new initiatives, including a Center for Health Care Reform and a Center for Education Reform. He has also been a vocal critic of the Biden administration's economic policies.

Roberts is a rising star in the conservative movement, and his leadership of The Heritage Foundation is sure to have a major impact on American politics in the years to come.
